A Dog's Life

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Where is Autumn with it's cooler days? My fur is THICK and I'm too HOT! And my idiotic human insists on walking me like it was Winter or something.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Hi! I am a dog. They don't really know what kind. Just a dog. I am a big dog. I weigh more than my owner. I am a smart dog. I finished second in my class at Obedience School. I took three classes and I had to go the Group Therapy for Grumps. Yes, I am a little grumpy still, but my people understand me better.
I am a Pagan, really I am a Reclaiming Witch. I have to share a ritual room with my human...no thumbs and all. But she is very nice about it. She leaves my stuff alone and I leave her stuff alone. I didn't even eat the strafish on the altar. But, I wanted to.
I am so glad Samhaim is over. A new year has begun. And I don't have to worry about being dressed up again. Yes, costumes DO actually come in my extra large size, most unfortunately.
I am always glad when the cold weather arrives. I have VERY thick fur and Summer is hard on me. I love snow. I like to lay in it and get buried. My peole worry but, I would get up if I were cold. I don't get cold. Maybe if I live even farther north I would, but it have been 30 degrees below zero and I have loved every minute of being outside. My humans don't like it quite that cold and sometimes I have to run off and play in the delicious cold all alone. They don't approve of that. But I DO!

Oh, yeah, My name is Dr. Seuss but everyone calls me Seuss or Seussie. They started calling me Wheelie when I hurt my leg and was in a cast.