A Dog's Life

Friday, November 03, 2006


Hi! I am a dog. They don't really know what kind. Just a dog. I am a big dog. I weigh more than my owner. I am a smart dog. I finished second in my class at Obedience School. I took three classes and I had to go the Group Therapy for Grumps. Yes, I am a little grumpy still, but my people understand me better.
I am a Pagan, really I am a Reclaiming Witch. I have to share a ritual room with my human...no thumbs and all. But she is very nice about it. She leaves my stuff alone and I leave her stuff alone. I didn't even eat the strafish on the altar. But, I wanted to.
I am so glad Samhaim is over. A new year has begun. And I don't have to worry about being dressed up again. Yes, costumes DO actually come in my extra large size, most unfortunately.
I am always glad when the cold weather arrives. I have VERY thick fur and Summer is hard on me. I love snow. I like to lay in it and get buried. My peole worry but, I would get up if I were cold. I don't get cold. Maybe if I live even farther north I would, but it have been 30 degrees below zero and I have loved every minute of being outside. My humans don't like it quite that cold and sometimes I have to run off and play in the delicious cold all alone. They don't approve of that. But I DO!

Oh, yeah, My name is Dr. Seuss but everyone calls me Seuss or Seussie. They started calling me Wheelie when I hurt my leg and was in a cast.


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Marjie said...

I'm a DOG! I don't make money. I just sit around and look cute, eat, and go for walks. When it is warm I swim!!


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